Programme Overview : Team Insights
With our Team Insights course, a good team is a great place to be, exciting, stimulating, supportive – successful. A bad team drags individuals down to the lowest common denominator.
We need teams. The assistance of others in creating more than the sum of the parts and doing so in a productive, supportive , fulfilling environment. We can make great teams – but first we need to understand the people that make great teams. And how to get the best out of a collection of individuals when brought together as a group.
This one day event will give you a deeper understanding of the people in your team and in turn know how to get the best out of them as you all work together towards achievement.
Most of us have experienced the natural high that comes from team effort bringing achievement and reward. This event illustrates how we can consistently ensure that together everyone achieves more.
- Insights Personal Profiles of all Team Members
- Understanding of Individual and Team Strengths
- …..and strategies for getting the best of them
- Understanding of how to relate, adapt and connect to all in the team
- Strategies for conflict and difficult conversations
- How to renew a Team
Understanding, Adapting & Connecting Productively across a Team.
What will be the outcomes?
The programme is designed specifically for each client. From an understanding of where the team is and where it needs to be, we will build a programme that delivers.
Typically, outcomes include:
- Full Insights Personality Profile for each team member
- An understanding of individual behaviours across the team…
- ….and how to respond for productive outcome
- Understanding of how to adapt and connect with those that are ‘different’ to you
- Understanding how to team build and how each can contribute
- All members of the team motivated
- Clarity of purpose……and agreed methods to get there
- Understanding of team roles and expectations
- Respect for difference….………with a common purpose
- Commitment to Action by the Team with the gofastforward commit-to-it.
Who is it for?
All teams who seek to develop understanding of how to get the best out of each other
How will it be delivered?
The Team Insights programme is customised for each client using Insights Profiling to to better understand ourselves and others.
- A one-day group event of learning, practice and feedback with experienced Facilitators in the human factors that make the difference in safety at work .
- Includes 60 minutes of post-programme Coaching for each participant in applying the skills.
What do our clients say?
Very interesting, informative and stimulating course. Will be very helpful for my interaction with others and my own self-awareness.